
Singled Out: Sekond Skyn's My Head

Keavin Wiggins | 06-13-2023

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Sekond Skyn News Single art June 13, 2023
Single art

New Jersey rockers Sekond Skyn recently released their new single "My Head". To celebrate, we asked lead vocalist Jesse Shar to tell us about the track. Here is the story:

I was in a toxic relationship with someone who had completely taken over my life. Under the guise of a solid stable partner, she slowly started to control everything I did.

Ranging from what I ate and drank to who I associated with on a daily basis.
Tracking me by GPS on my phone and sharing social media accounts. I was too close to the flame to see obvious red flags. Family and friends noticed something was off.

When the abuse was apparent to me it seemed it was already too late to break free. Touring was mentally draining from the mental abuse and I had to cut off communication at times (which only made it worse later when we returned home)

Once everyone started to notice the change in me, and how miserable I was, I found myself dreaming about a new life somewhere I could be myself. Planning a way out. I say all this to the people as a warning, maybe it will help others that are in a bad relationship.

All that stress comes out in my songwriting for Sekond Skyn. "My Head" is just one of the many tunes related to this decade-long turmoil we ALL had to endure.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the band here

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