
Singled Out: PlainView's His & Hearse featuring RIVALS' Kalie Wolfe

Keavin Wiggins | 06-16-2023

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PlainView News Single art June 16, 2023
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Michigan alternative rocker PlainView recently release their new single "His & Hearse" featuring RIVALS' Kalie Wolfe. To celebrate, we asked Ryan White to tell us about the song. Here is the story:

With His & Hearse I wanted to write a love song, but inevitably it ended up pretty twisted. I thought it would be interesting to write a one-sided love story where you don't get both perspectives. I feel like it added a sense of mystery and disorientation which made the nature of what's happening really satisfying to reveal.

I set the story on a mortician who has fallen in love with her "patient". I knew we were going to have a feature on the song so I had to figure out who that second voice was going to be narratively speaking. I decided it should be the voice of the main character the mortician. Kalie absolutely nailed it and really brought life into the part.

When it came time to name the song I was stuck for a while, unable to settle on anything that didn't sound overly theatrical or like a cheesy 80s vampire movie. I recently moved into a new house and my wife and I have separate sinks and vanities, His and Hers style if you will. As I was brushing my teeth in the sink the pun hit me, I laughed and spewed toothpaste on the mirror, and the name was solidified haha!

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the band here

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Singled Out: PlainView's His & Hearse featuring RIVALS' Kalie Wolfe

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