
Singled Out: Forty Feet Tall's Isochronism

Keavin Wiggins | 07-22-2024

Singled Out: Forty Feet Tall's Isochronism

Portland, Oregon rockers Forty Feet Tall just released their new single "Isochronism" along with a trippy video and video and to celebrate we asked them to tell us about the track. Here is the story:

The last couple of months leading up to writing this song, we'd been listening to a lot more doom and psych music, bands like Orb and Meatbodies. Our producer, Cameron Spies, always talks about how the Osees have mastered light, agile verses that are then juxtaposed with a huge riff or chorus that blows your head off and we knew we wanted to write something like that. While we were jamming one rehearsal, what would become Isochronism's main riff just kind of naturally fell into place. The verse was built around it and we started trying the song at shows consistently.

Our process often involves testing songs out in a live setting before even getting close to a recording studio and the track felt like it was turning heads. We started opening our sets with it because it was the perfect punch in the face to get the crowd's attention or draw them back in from a smoke break. You often hear that audiences only really remember the beginning and end of a set, so we consciously create our setlist guided by that principle.

Earlier this year, we got a last minute slot in Seattle opening up for Big Business - this epic stoner/sludge metal band. Our music gets intense, but with a more fast-paced punk bent, as opposed to their combos-stacked-on-combos sound. We knew we had to get all these old-heads moving with some heavy stuff right out of the gate. We were a little on edge walking on stage to very few, if any, welcoming faces, in a sea of black leather jackets and long, graying beards. The set ended, and suddenly a guy was yelling at us from the crowd, "What the hell was that first song?" We didn't even have a name for it at the time, but I yelled that we'd probably be recording it soon and he grinned and said, "F*** yeah, I can't wait." After that night we knew Isochronism had earned its stars and it was the next song we recorded.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more here

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